Celebrating Gifts & Talents
We celebrate with humility all gifts and talents shared with Mount Mercy. We recognize those who express their faith in the institution by making financial contributions.
Gratitude and hospitality are key values of the Mount Mercy community, grounded in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy and our Catholic identity.
The President’s Club is comprised of alumni and friends who make a gift of $1,000 or more each fiscal year, July 1 to June 30. In thanks and recognition, President's Club members are invited to exclusive events.
The richest profits for our President’s Club members are in spirit, in the personal satisfaction of knowing that their steadfast, generous support has changed the lives of many young people who bring their dreams to Mount Mercy’s doors.
We invite you to join this distinguished group and help us sustain the academic excellence and continuing commitment that defines a Mount Mercy education, grounded in the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy.
How to Join the 1928 Club—it’s easy! Make monthly gifts of at least $19.28 to the Mount Mercy Fund in honor of our founding year by heading to shushijia.net/make-gift. Select Every Month, and designate your gift to the Mount Mercy Fund.
Mount Mercy honors individuals whose monthly contribution and commitment have contributed to the financial stability of the institution. As a member of the 1928 Club, your membership includes:
For more information, please contact Development & Alumni Relations at giving@shushijia.net or 319-368-6468.